First MEDP150 blog post (gunxsword)

This is not exactly a proper review, since I have yet to finish the series. But, here I go.

Gun X Sword is an anime series that follows Van, a mysterious drifter who wears a tuxedo as he chases after a man with a claw for a hand for revenge. Wendy, a young girl looking for her brother, joins Van on his journey across this unspecified, presumably non-earth world.

The first episode starts off as a western. Van stumbles into a church and inadvertently saves Wendy from a small gang. Wendy brings Van to a small hideout and the mayor of the town now hiding there asks Van to help fight off the bandits terrorizing them. Van is uninterested and makes his way out of town. One thing leads to another and Van comes back for a showdown between himself and the gang leader just as the gang is wiping out the citizens. Then, suddenly…MECHS!!

…or “Armors” as they’re called in this universe. I went into this anime with no prior knowledge, so Van summoning Dann of Thursday (his armor) to finish off the gang leader threw me for a loop. Turns out this anime I thought was about a special sword-wielding vagabond in a world of gun-toting ne’er-do-wells was actually about a special sword-wielding vagabond WITH A MECH. THAT HE CAN SUMMON AT WILL. FROM A SATELLITE IN SPACE. I was at the same time disappointed and super excited. I love spaghetti westerns and I was kind of getting into that whole vibe but hey, mechs are fun too.

Story-wise, it’s alright so far. I’m enjoying the little character quirks–how Van is constantly slouching, how he asks for all (ALL) of the condiments when eating and drowns his meal in everything the restaurant has, the way he flips his hat around when he summons Dann, etc–and I’m genuinely interested in seeing Van complete his quest for revenge. It’s clear, however, that Gun X Sword is going for a style over substance formula…which is fine by me; I like the style, and the substance is just good enough to keep me interested.

One response to “First MEDP150 blog post (gunxsword)

  1. I saw all the episodes. It’s surprisingly good even though it’s a basic revenge plot at it’s core. Van is your typical “I want to do this alone” that-needs-friends trope. Van’s condiments vice is hilarious too. There’s one episode that had more rolling with laughter and well, you’ll see. I enjoyed it overall.

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